Slider Revolution Magento 2.x Extension Documentation

Add-On: Before/After


1. Install & Activate the Add-On

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2. Enable the Add-On

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Step 1: Enable the Before/After feature for your Slider
Step 2: Enable the Before/After feature for an individual Slide

3. Set the Reveal Direction

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4. Add your Background Sources

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5. Configure the content Layers

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6. Toggle Before/After Views for the Editing Stage

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7. Set/Change the initial Reveal Points

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8. Arrows/Line Styling & Click Settings

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Choose your Icon Arrows and adjust their size, spacing and color.
Optionally style the Arrows' main parent container element with some padding, a background-color, etc.
  • Quick Tip:
    Hover over each setting for a brief description of each option.
Change the size and color of the main divider line.

For no visible divider line set the "Line Size" option to "0".

Optionally change the default settings that get applied to newly created slides.
Choose to move the reveal point when the user clicks an area inside the slider. And optionally change the CSS mouse-cursor while dragging.

9. Reveal Line / Arrow Animations

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From the following section:
Set an initial delay before the "After" side animates into view, and modify this animations' timing and transition type.
Choose how the current "After-side" content should animate out when slides change.
Animate the drag-reveal arrows to grab the user's attention.
Add a spacing offset to the arrows for when the initial reveal occurs, and then animate them to their normal position once the reveal is complete.