Slider Revolution Magento 1.x Extension Documentation

WordPress Gallery AddOn

Convert your standard Magento Galleries to a Slider Revolution automatically

AddOns Requirements

Magento Gallery is a Premium AddOn that requires Purchase Code Registration and Activation

To get started, Install and Activate the AddOn from the plugin's main admin page

Next, create a new Module, and give it a name of "My Gallery Slider" (the Module can be named anything you wish).

And then choose "Post-Based" and "Specific Post" as the Module's Content Source 

And then leave the "Specific Posts" list blank, as this will automatically be populated with your Gallery's images.

Next, set the Slide's main background to "Image", and enable the "Image from Stream if Exists" option.

Do not select an image from the Media/Object Library, as the image will automatically be taken from your Magento Gallery instead.

Next, add a Text Layer to the Slide, and adjust its Size/Position and Font Styles.

And then setup a special Meta Placeholder for the Layer's content, choosing an option from the "Gallery" menu.

Add another Text Layer and repeat the steps above if you'd like to display the Gallery Image's Caption and/or Description as well.

Next, add some Navigation so the user can cycle through the Slides/Images.

And then setup your Gallery's images with a Title, Caption and Description.

Next, head back into the AddOns Modal to setup the template for the Gallery AddOn.

And finally, add a Magento Gallery to one of your Posts or Pages and it will automatically get converted to a Slider Revolution!