Slider Revolution Magento 1.x Extension Documentation

Coming Soon / Maintenance AddOn

Put your website into "Coming Soon" or "Maintenance Mode" and display a Slider Revolution.

AddOns Requirements

Coming Soon/Maintenance is a Premium AddOn that requires Purchase Code Registration and Activation

To get started, Install and Activate the AddOn from the plugin's main admin page

Next, import the "Coming Soon" template from the Template Library

All Sliders are Compatible

The "Coming Soon" template is used for this example, as it already includes the meta placeholders needed for the count-down timer. However, if you are putting your website into Maintenance Mode or simply want to display a different Slider, you can use any Slider you wish for the AddOn.

And then refresh the page head back into the AddOns Modal to configure the AddOn's settings.

1. Content From
Choose if the Maintenance Mode Content should come from a Slider or a specific page.

3. Page Title
The title to use for the page's <title> tag inside its HTML. This will show up as the title in the browser's window/tab.

5. End Date
The date to use for the countdown timer if "Use Timer" is enabled.

7. Auto Disable
Choose to auto-disable the AddOn when the countdown is complete.

2. Slider
The Slider to use for the Coming Soon or Maintenance Mode page.

4. Use Timer
Enable this option if you are using the AddOn for a "Coming Soon" page and are displaying a countdown timer.

6. Hour/Minutes
The time to use for the countdown timer (will be added to the date).

Not Seeing the Coming Soon / Maintenance Mode?

Log out of your Magento admin or view your website from another browser where you're not logged in to preview your website when this AddOn is enabled and configured.