Slider Revolution Magento 2.x Extension Documentation

Module Content Source

Select the content source for your Module


1. Custom

Choose "Custom" as the Module's content source to populate your Modules with custom text/images of your choice.

2. Product-Based

1. Products
Populate Slides from a select range of products of your choice.

2. Specific Products
Populate Slides from a set of specific products ID's entered manually.

3. Current Product
The module's content will be pulled from the same view product page where the Module's shortcode is embedded.

Source Type: Products

Select the product categories you wish to include.

Source Type: Specific Products

Enter the Product ID's you wish to include.

Sorting & Settings

Display products by Product ID, Position, Date, Name, SKU, Price, Random or unsorted, choose the maximum number of products to include in the Module, and set an description limit if the Module will include the product's description.

3. Flickr

Create a Module based on a Flickr account's public photos or specific gallery.

1. Slides
Choose how many images should be pulled into the Module.

2. Cache
Set an interval for how often the Flickr API should be called.

3. API Key
The API Key from your Flickr account. Learn how to get an API Key.

4. Source
Choose if your Module should be populated by Public Photos, a Photoset, a Gallery or a Flickr Group

5. User URL
The absolute URL from the Flickr account that's being queried.

4. Instagram

Create a Module based on an Instagram account's photos.

1. Slides
Choose how many images should be pulled into the Module.

2. Cache
Set an interval for how often the Instagram API should be called.

3. Source
The Instragram source type (currently only Public Photos available).

4. User Name
The username for the Instrgram account to pull photos from.

5. Twitter

Create a Module based on a Twitter account's tweets

1. Slides
Choose how many tweets should be pulled into the Module.

2. Cache
Set an interval for how often the Twitter API should be called.

3. Name/Handle
The Twitter username/handle for the account.

4. Tweets to Include
Choose if Text-only Tweets, retweets and replies should be included.

5. API Account Details
First create a new Twitter "App". Then the required details are located in the "Key & Access Tokens & Application Settings" section of your App.

6. Facebook

Create a Module based on Facebook posts.

1. Slides
Choose how many posts should be pulled into the Module.

2. Cache
Set an interval for how often the Facebook API should be called.

3. Page URL
The absolute url of the official Facebook Page you have the permissions to show the posts.

4. Source/Album
Choose if the content should be pulled from the main Timeline or a specific Album,.

5. oAuth Access Token
Please generate your Access Token in Facebook.

7. YouTube

Create a Module based on YouTube videos

1. Slides
Choose how many videos should be pulled into the Module.

2. Cache
Set an interval for how often the YouTube API should be called.

3. API Key
Click here to learn how you can generate a YouTube API Key.

4. Channel ID
Click here to get your YouTube channel's ID

5. Channel/Playlist
Choose if the videos should be pulled from a specific channel or playlist

8. Vimeo

Create a Module based on Vimeo videos

1. Slides
Choose how many videos should be pulled into the Module.

2. Cache
Set an interval for how often the Vimeo API should be called.

3. Source
Choose if the posts should be pulled from a Vimeo user-account, Album, Group or Channel

4. User
The username from the Vimeo account to fetch videos from.