Slider Revolution Magento 1.x Extension Documentation

Add-On: Slicey

The Slicey Add-on is a Premium Feature that requires version 5.4+

Click here for information about how to update.


Install & Activate the Add-On

Setup/Configure the Slicey Effect

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Step 1: Visit the Slider Settings
Enable the Slicey Effect
Adjust the Default Settings
Step 2: Edit one of your Slides
Add a Slicey Layer to the Editing Stage
Adjust the Layer's Size and Position
  • Quick Tip:
    Enable Custom Grid Sizes for your Slider to adjust the boxes for different screen sizes.
Adjust the Slicey Settings
Global Settings

These settings will be applied to all Slicey Layers for the individual Slide.

  • Scale To:Scale the main background image to this percentage.
  • Animation Duration:The amount of time the effect should last for in milliseconds.
  • Animation Easing:The easing equation to apply to the effect. Use Linear.easeNone for a traditional effect.
  • Image Blur:Apply a starting and ending CSS3 blur filter to the main background image.
  • Shadow Blur:The blur amount to apply to the CSS3 Box Shadow for the Slicey Layers.
  • Shadow Strength:The box-shadow strength to apply to the Slicey Layers.
  • Shadow Color:The box-shadow color for the Slicey Layers.
Layer Settings

These settings are available for each individual Slicey Layer.

  • Scale Offset:Scale the Slicey Layer an additional x percentage. This offset value is what creates the Slicey Effect.
  • Layer Blur:Apply a starting and ending CSS3 blur filter to the Slicey Layer.