Essential Grid Magento 1.x Extension Documentation

Category Filters

Add Category Filter options for your Grid Items.

Select categories as your Grid's main source.
And then from the grid's "Nav-Filter-Sort" tab, add the "Filter" control to one of the grid's navigation dropzones.
Next, scroll to the "Filter Groups" section, and select the categories you wish to use for the Filters.
Final Result:
Select "Edit Element" to add categories to your custom grid items.
Next, scroll to "Other -> Filter", and enter the "categories" you wish to assign to the item.
  • Quick Tip #1
    Since custom grid items are not related to actual posts or post categories, the "categories" entered can be anything.
  • Quick Tip #2
    Assign multiple "categories" to an item by separating them with commas as shown in this screenshot.
Next, from the grid's "Nav-Filter-Sort" tab, add the "Filter" control to one of the grid's navigation dropzones.
Final Result:
'); li.addClass('docuwithsubmenu'); li.find('>a, >.menu-expander').on('click', function() { var li = jQuery(this).closest('li'), expa = li.find('>.menu-expander'); if(expa.hasClass('opened')) { expa.removeClass('opened'); li.find('>ul').slideUp(200); } else { expa.addClass('opened'); li.find('>ul').slideDown(200); } return false; }); ul.hide(); }); });