In some cases you will need to dynamically replace slide images in Slider Revolution. For example if you want to change image depending on browser size. Or after some user actions. This is quite easy with use of Slider Revolution API and Custom Javascript. Lets for example add feature that changes second slides image to […]
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Prototype equivalents for jQuery functions
Magento use prototype javascript library a lot. And if you do not want to mess with other libraries you could port your scripts to Prototype. This article will help you with porting some jQuery functions to Prototype equivalents. .attr() Get / set the value of an attribute for a single element or set of elements. […]
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Sometimes when working with Magento you’ll want to add some Javascript code. It could be third party library or your own custom code. Lets see the ways of adding javascript in Magento. In most cases your Javascript code you want to include to your Magento theme or extension are located or can be placed in […]
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