
Check this article for a common actions list: https://nwdthemes.com/2016/07/12/magento-2-uninstall-module/

  • remove the folder app/code/Nwdthemes/Powerbanners
  • drop module tables from database
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nwdthemes_powerbanners_style`;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nwdthemes_powerbanners_banner_store`;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nwdthemes_powerbanners_banner`;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nwdthemes_powerbanners_slider`;
  • remove the config settings
    DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE 'nwdthemes_powerbanners%'
  • remove the module from app/etc/config.php
  • remove the module from database table setup_module
    DELETE FROM setup_module WHERE module='Nwdthemes_Powerbanners'
  • flush cache
    php bin/magento cache:flush
  • recompile code if you are in production mode
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile