If you working a lot with magento you might seen some of these. Check the collection of funny pieces of code and comments in magento. Someone might found it sad. It’s up to you 🙂
read moreIf you working a lot with magento you might seen some of these. Check the collection of funny pieces of code and comments in magento. Someone might found it sad. It’s up to you 🙂
read moreIt is pretty easy to restrict access to magento admin area in nginx. Basically you need to update configuration file and restart it.
All commands applicable for debian. There might be different syntax for other versions.
There is no default way to create dependent category attributes in magento admin. Dependency can be easily added to system configuration inputs or custom magento forms, but not for category attributes. We are going to create simple attribute dependency by adding new input renderer for attribute. It will work this way: You have several attributes: […]
read moreYou as Magento developer sometimes will wish to override Magento admin theme template files. This comes in need in process of developing custom magento admin skin or some extension that will extend Magento backend design and functionality. Basically adminhtml part keeps the same fallback ideology that is used on front end, but with some slight […]
read moreAdministration of magento store can be quite annoying, especially if have large catalog. Check our collection of 9 Best free magento extensions for store owner that make store administration much easier…
read moreWunderadmin – New Magento Admin Theme Extension was just released! Have you tired of default Magento admin skin or you want to change Magento admin theme for your client? Now you have easy and effective way to do it. Please welcome Wunderadmin – Magento admin theme extension that gives you control over design of Magento […]
read moreIt is pretty common magento error. Even if you yourself don’t use helper, Magento admin does. You should always create helper class in your custom module. File location depends on module code pool and could be located in ….
read moreGood news everyone! Most popular slider plugin Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin now available for Magento platform as Slider Revolution Responsive Magento Extension. Slider Revolution plugin is slides display solution that works with all possible types of content with easy to customize styles, transitions, effects and animations. With this extension you can build responsible or […]
read moreWe know that Magento provides great feature for translation of text strings in code. Such content that needs to be localized for different store views is outputted through __() helper function. It will search for data loaded from locale translation .csv file and if found match for current store view it will be replaced with it…
read moreMagento has default new products block. It can be added to cms home page via shortcode. However, if you have multiple currencies and try to switch to different currency new products still show price in old one. This happens due to block cache…
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