In this guide you will learn how to uninstall Slider Revolution Magento 2 extension.
Remove Module Files
In order to uninstall Slider Revolution Magento 2 extension you need to remove this module folder completely:
If you don’t have other modules from the NWDthemes vendor such as Magento 2 Product Slider extension or Magento 2 Admin Theme – you need to remove NWDthemes Base module as well:
Actually if you have only Slider Revolution Magento 2 extension module from the NWDthemes vendor – you can remove Nwdthemes folder completely:
Remove Module Config
Then edit this config file:
And remove the following line from there:
'Nwdthemes_Revslider' => 1,
If you don’t have other NWDthemes modules such as PowerBanners for Magento 2 or Magento 2 Email Templates – you can remove NWDthemes Base module line as well:
'Nwdthemes_Base' => 1,
Remove Module Tables from the Database
Drop all modules tables from the database. They all start with the following prefix: nwdthemes_revslider_:
nwdthemes_revslider_animations nwdthemes_revslider_backup nwdthemes_revslider_css nwdthemes_revslider_navigations nwdthemes_revslider_options nwdthemes_revslider_sliders nwdthemes_revslider_slides nwdthemes_revslider_static_slides
Remove Setup Module Entry from the Database
Run the following queries on your database to remove the Slider Revolution Magento 2 module entry from there:
DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `module` = 'Nwdthemes_Revslider';
If this is the only module from NWDthemes company and you don’t have Magento 2 Customer Attributes or Magento 2 Login As Customer installed – run the following query to remove the Base module entry as well:
DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `module` = 'Nwdthemes_Base';
Remove the Module Media Content Folder
You can remove the folder with media uploads from the Slider Revolution Magento 2 extension. Just make sure that you don’t need any images from there anymore. Then simply remove this folder:
Uninstall Complete!
That’s it – Magento 2 Slider Revolution extension have been removed from your Magento 2 store.
Now you can read the article about how to install Magento 2 Slider Revolution extension.