In the beginning of the month we have released “Slider Revolution 6” for Magento. Check Slider Revolution item page for a full features list or take a look at Sneak Peek article for an overview. Most notisable change is a new eye friendly dark UI. It become way faster and more efficient in browser resources usage.

Whats new in Slider Revolution 6?
Other extension updates
Magento 2 Email Templates was updated to version 1.0.5.
* Fixed issue with store specific custom templates
* Fix for sending test email in Magento starting from 2.3.3 version
* Fixed upgrade data issue
Magento 2 Admin Theme also has new version 1.0.5
* Fixed issue with store specific custom templates
* Fix for sending test email in Magento starting from 2.3.3 version
* Fixed upgrade data issue
we are getting this error when installing and compiling for Magento 2.3.3
Errors during compilation:
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Controller/Adminhtml/Revslider/Addon.php
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Controller/Adminhtml/Revslider/Slider.php
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Controller/Adminhtml/Revslider/Sliders.php
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Controller/Adminhtml/Revslider/Preview.php
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Controller/Adminhtml/Revslider/Slide.php
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Controller/Adminhtml/Revslider/Navigation.php
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Controller/Adminhtml/Revslider/Settings.php
Total Errors Count: 7
Hi Daniel
Those errors are coming from unused files from the previous version. To get rid of them you can remove this folder completely: /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/ and then upload files from the most recent version.
Regards, Eugene.
thank you for quick answering. after several attempts I solved the istallation.
Now I have a bug on the slide background image selector. It does not show the “source” link to browse the image, but only a “fonts” option.
You can select slide background image in Slide Settings > Background > Source > Media Library.
If you don’t have the Browse control in the Media Gallery popup – this means incorrect patch was applied or not applied.
For Magento 2.3.0-2.3.4 – you need to upload patch from 2.3.0-2.3.4-patch folder.
For Magento 2.3.5 – this patch should not be applied. If you have applied it already – you need to replace this file with the one from the original files set: app\code\Nwdthemes\Revslider\Block\Adminhtml\Gallery\Content\Uploader.php
Errors during compilation:
Missed required argument frameworkHelper in parent::__construct call. File: /var/www/
I can’t compile this, can someone let me know what’s up?
Hi Ro!
This compilation error comes from old unused controller files from the previous version.
To get rid of unused files and resolve this problem please remove this folder completely: app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/ and then upload the new version of this module.
This will resolve those compilation errors.
Regards, Eugene.
I’ve replaced all the code by deleting and ftp’ing all the latest code and still am getting this error when di:compile
Extra parameters passed to parent construct: $escaper. File: /home/www/magento2/app/code/Nwdthemes/Revslider/Helper/Gallery/Images.php
Error during compilation
Total Errors Count: 1
How do I fix this freaking thing? It always seems to be something with this extension.
Please advise.
Hi Daniel!
Looks like you have not applied the version compatibility patch. And it causes this compilation error because the arguments list do not match.
If you have Magento 2.1.x or Magento 2.2.x – please upload an appropriate patch files from 2.1.x-patch or 2.2.x-patch folders.
Please don’t worry – this will resolve your compilation error.
Regards, Eugene.
I’ve got magento 2.3.5 and have same problem as Daniel with images.php. How can i fix this? what do you mean with patch folder? where can i find those files? need some more info regarding to this
Hi Magnus
If you have this error: “Extra parameters passed to parent construct: $escaper.” in Nwdthemes\Revslider\Helper\Gallery\Images and you are using Magento 2.3.5 – most probably you have applied the patch for the previous version before.
For Magento 2.3.5 there is no need to apply it. So you can use the original file. Just upload this file from your slider package: app\code\Nwdthemes\Revslider\Helper\Gallery\Images.php
This should fix it.
Regards, Eugene.